What is Selective Mutism?

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that causes an inability to talk in certain social situations such as at school, work, or in an individual’s community. They can speak freely at home, but are nonverbal due to anxiety in public settings or around strangers.

Signs of Selective Mutism

  • SM behavior seems like excessive shyness, but it is not just shyness. It is an anxiety disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood.

  • The anxiety disorder paralyzes the individual with fear or shuts them down completely when they are unable to communicate outside of their home.

Additional characteristics: 

  • Struggles to make eye contact in certain situations.

  • Displays distress and nervousness in new situations.

  • Uses gestures or nonverbal communication to answer questions (e.g., pointing, nodding, writing, etc.)

  • Speaks through a trusted individual (e.g., whispering an answer to a question to a parent or friend at school.)

  • Difficulty participating in school or forming friendships with other students their age due to an inability to speak in public.